Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More CSG

My Coded Story Game project is just on my mind, so here's some more of that. If my kids are reading this someday in the future (decades from now), this should illustrate the way my brain works. I get on a topic and sort of obsess over it for a while. Then, when I've thoroughly exhausted myself, I can walk away from it.

Not exhausted yet.

I've been thinking about how I'll want to market the CSG. It may seem premature to think about marketing a product before it's even built, but I think now is exactly the tiime to do so. By defining marketing goals, I'll help drive the design of the product itself. It's got to conform to the way I want to sell it.

I occurs to me that the game play I'm envisioning would be just as easy to do for any genre or style of story-telling game. So I'll want to have the base game system, which I'm calling the "Effect System", be generic. That way, I can package as many individual games as I can think of. I can do a classic high fantasy, a sword and sorcery, a space opera, a hard sci-fi, a western, a WWII, a super-hero, horror, and anything else I set my mind on. I can do multiples of each of these, selling each setting/genre/color as its own game.

All of these can be stored in the same database. All I have to do is categorize the effects properly. That way, I can market varying games as their own subscriptions, or bundle them together in package deals.

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