Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Predictions and Goals

2010 was an interesting year. I'm declaring it a success, though somewhat limited. We have spent exactly 1 year in our new home, now, and we're loving it. Still no deck and no garage, but the house itself is quite pleasant.

I'm not prone to new year's resolutions. I learned at an early age that I'm unlikely to follow through with too much and therefore I'll just be embarrassed. But this year I'm going to do it anyway. What the heck.

1. I'm obese. This year, I'll be doing something about that. As the hilarity ensues, I'll post my progress here. Hope you find it entertaining.

2. My contract work with DataSphere will improve, both monetarily and in terms of enjoyment. 2011 will be the last year of heavy travel, as we grow our Rose & Thorn database business large enough to hire someone to travel for us starting in 2012. I expect my income to rise 25% over 2010's showing, and only dip by 10% in 2012 when we hire some help to reduce travel.

3. I will have a playable version of my CSG product and be play-testing it by Thanksgiving 2011.

4. Keep doing what I seem to be getting right. My wife and kids are happy and love me. I've got a few friends that I admire and enjoy.

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